All of Jordan cason

We started the day by finishing packing and having breakfast. We got into the bus after putting all our belongings into the bus. We drove for awhile and then got to a place we’re we switched busses. We went through the passport check and other things. We get on the bus and some people that work at the border place put our suitcases in the new bus. That didn’t even matter though because we had to take them out and put them back in for a laugage check. We drove in the bus for a couple hours and the bus driver told us what we were going to do for transportation. When we got there Emelia and I saw a cat and named it grant 2.0. When we started walking some of us got on a horse that supposedly went half a mile. It only felt like 4 blocks even to the people walking. We walked through the canyon and saw a cross ingraved into the mountain. We finally got to the entering after having a guy follow us for a mile trying to sell bracelets. We got to the treasury ride some camels, and gave away the library’s mascot.

We finally arrived back to the motel and it was the best motel I’ve ever seen. It was like old ruins that had been fixed up. It had two pools and a spa. And for dinner there was an Olive Garden buffet.

After riding the bus for 3 hours we got to the Red Sea. The first thing we did was ride a boat that had a glass bottom for an hour. There were a lot of huge boats out while we were on the water. Next we got back on the bus and went to the deasert we’re the seven pillar of wisdom is. We were in the deasert for about 3 hours. The over all journey was great so in a short review, We went through on bus, trucks, and even camels. And the whole time I was searching for something. But I never found it. Days and days of searching. Going across rivers, seas and oceans. Going to one of the seven wonders if the world. Through ampatheaters, even ancient writings in the oldest city in the world. And yet out of all those places I couldn’t find who asked.




Last Days in Egypt March 11 and 12 Emilia